Senator Ruth Johnson​'s Press Releases

Johnson calls on secretary of state to explain seemingly large increase in noncitizens applying to vote in wake of UM student caught voting illegally

LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Ruth Johnson, who previously served as Michigan secretary of state, is calling on her successor Jocelyn Benson to explain an apparent large increase in the number of individuals registering to vote who may be noncitizens. Johnson’s concern comes in the wake of reports that a Chinese national who is a student at the University of Michigan recently voted and that this individual’s

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Johnson blasts costly and unnecessary election bills that allow candidates to talk with voters inside polling locations

LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Ruth Johnson, who served as Michigan’s secretary of state from 2011 to 2018, on Tuesday strongly opposed Senate passage of purported “voting rights” bills that would reduce voter privacy and place new burdens on local elections officials. “These bills would cost taxpayers millions of dollars and create new obstacles for our clerks and local units of government that are simply unnecessary,” said

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Johnson calls on Congress to pass legislation to ensure accurate voter rolls

LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Ruth Johnson stressed the importance of maintaining clean and accurate voter rolls during a press conference on the Capitol lawn on Wednesday, after introducing a Senate resolution encouraging Congress to act. “Accurate voter rolls are critical to the integrity of the elections process. Maintaining accurate records reduces the risk of fraudulent voting, and it can make the task of election administrators easier,”

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***MEDIA ADVISORY*** Sen. Johnson, Rep. Hall to hold June 12 press conference on maintaining accurate voter rolls

LANSING, Mich. — Former Secretary of State Ruth Johnson and House Republican Leader Matt Hall will join Hogan Gidley of the America First Policy Institute Center for Election Integrity to hold a press conference on the Capitol steps on Wednesday, June 12, regarding the need to maintain clean and accurate voter rolls. Who: Sen. Ruth Johnson, R-Holly. House Republican Leader Matt Hall, R-Richland Township. Hogan Gidley

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Sen. Johnson sponsors Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Awareness Month resolution

LANSING, Mich. — The Michigan Senate on Thursday adopted Sen. Ruth Johnson’s resolution to raise awareness of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). EDS is an inherited condition that affects the connective tissues of the body. “Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome can significantly impact the lives of those affected, and early and accurate diagnosis can provide the opportunity to create lifesaving medical plans and improve patients’ quality of life,” said Johnson, R-Holly. “There

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Johnson supports funding for outdoor recreation projects

LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Ruth Johnson on Thursday supported a Natural Resources Trust Fund (NRTF) bill to invest over $27 million in park and trail developments and public land acquisitions across Michigan, including two projects in the 24th Senate District. “The Natural Resources Trust Fund continues to help expand and enhance outdoor recreational opportunities for all Michigan families and tourists to enjoy,” said Johnson, R-Holly. “Two

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