Sen. Ruth Johnson supports local natural resources project

Sen. Ruth Johnson supports local natural resources project

LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Ruth Johnson announced that Mundy Charter Township’s Hill Road Recreational Park Project is set to receive a $283,000 Natural Resources Trust Fund (NRTF) grant after the Senate finalized the legislation.

“This grant will help develop a paved walking path and other amenities at the park, which will help make it an even more enjoyable place for families to appreciate the Michigan outdoors,” said Johnson, R-Holly.

The NRTF is supported by interest earnings from the development of state-owned mineral rights. The fund’s dollars are constitutionally restricted to recreation improvements and land acquisitions.

House Bill 4244 is now on its way to the governor and, if signed, would authorize the NRTF to use $26 million in restricted funds to support 30 land acquisition projects and 34 development projects. Local matching funds of $15.9 million would bring the total investment to $41.9 million statewide.


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