Sen. Johnson co-sponsors resolution condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Sen. Johnson co-sponsors resolution condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine

LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Ruth Johnson, R-Holly, on Tuesday issued the following statement after supporting Senate adoption of Senate Resolution 111, which she co-sponsored, to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine and urge the world community to join together in sanctioning Russia:

“Today, the Michigan Senate stands with the people of Ukraine and condemns an unjust and unprovoked attack by Russia.

“Ukrainians from all walks of life are courageously fighting against a world superpower for their freedom, their way of life, and their future as an independent nation.

“We have seen the heartbreaking stories of death and destruction at the hands of the Russian army as well as the uplifting stories of the unity and bravery of the Ukrainian people under overwhelming odds. As Americans, we wholeheartedly support the will of free people to govern themselves and to live in peace.”


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